
Bullying is a national issue with significant negative effects for adolescents and their families. News media coverage often highlights tragic cases, which may not have positive impact on adolescents and parents. It is not clear what adolescents and their parents feel would be useful for media when writing news stories to decrease bullying in their communities. Collection of feedback from adolescents and parents and subsequent use of this information by news media may lead to decreased bullying in communities. A national sample of adolescent (aged 15-18 years old) and parent dyads were surveyed in February 2018 through the online platform Qualtrics to understand the impact of news media on bullying. As part of the larger study, both adolescents and parents were independently asked to provide 1-2 ideas they believe journalists could use in writing to decrease bullying in their community. Two trained coders analyzed data using the qualitative software Dedoose for relevant categories developed through an iterative process. A total of 292 participants completed the study, including 147 adolescents with average age 16.1 years, 47.5% female, 84% white; and 145 parents with average age 46.1 years, 61.2% female, 85% white. The most common category of recommendation was Positive Action (29.7% Adolescent, 34% Parent), examples included: “Tell more stories about kids standing up to bullies and helping kids who are bullied” (Adolescent), “Focus on the positive things people are doing to eliminate bullying” (Parent). Another common category was Truth/Transparency (26.9% Adolescent, 26.7% Parent), examples included: “Talk to people and write the truth” (Adolescent), “Show the effect, remove the invisibility” (Parent). The category of Punishment was less common but notable (10.3% Adolescent, 10% Parent), examples included: “More jail time for bullies. Fine for bullies’ parents.” (Adolescent), “Put the bullies faces online for all to see” (Parent). Rare but significant comments were noted for Defeatist category (5.5% Adolescent, 3.4% Parent), examples included: “There is nothing (that can be done)” (Adolescent, Parent), “Bullying will always be around” (Adolescent). Adolescents and Parents expressed thoughtful and similar ideas for journalists writing news stories to decrease bullying in their community. Both adolescents and parents had highest recommendation to use themes of Positive Action and Truth/Transparency over Punishment. These findings may be helpful for journalists when writing articles towards the goal of decreasing bullying across the country.

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