
IN the book under notice Mr. L. F. Richardson I presents to us a magnum opus on weather prediction. The numerical manipulation of the dynamics and physics of the atmosphere is its mainspring; but there is a fine display of other works of an intricate character. Its avowed object is nothing less than the calculation of future events in weather; and this by inserting numerical values in seven fundamental formulae, which, taken together, embody the essential analysis of the sequence of weather. Three of the equations express the time-rate of change of the easterly, northerly, and vertical components of the momentum of the air; other three express the timerate of change of its density, water-content, and heatcontent respectively. The seventh is the characteristic gas-equation for air; it contains no differentials. (1) Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. By Lewis F. Richardson Pp. xii + 236. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1922.) 30s. net. (2) Forms whereon to Write the Numerical Calculations described in “Weather Prediction by Numerical Process”. By Lewis F. Richardson 23 forms. (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1922.) 2s.

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