
IN spite of the multitude of text-books on physical science, there always seems room for the ingenious author to produce a new volume. Amongst the problems he has to solve is included that of finding a method of so presenting his subject as to maintain the interest of the reader; for all educational experts are agreed that the power of remembering what is read depends upon the degree of interest that is aroused in the mind. The element of wonder may be excited in various ways, and the books noticed below serve to illustrate some of the methods which may be employed. Another difficult question which confronts the author is that of determining to what extent recent investigations and modern theories should be treated, and if they are adopted, to know at what point in the exposition the new material or method is to be introduced. For example, in a work on electricity, should the electron theory be made the basis of the treatment, or should it be discussed separately after developing the older theory? The answer to such a question must obviously depend on the purpose in view and on the class of reader for whom the book is intended. (1) Physics for Colleges. By Prof. H. Horton Sheldon Prof. C. V. Kent Prof. Carl W. Miller Prof. Robert P. Paton. Pp. vi + 655. (London: Macmillan and Co., Ltd., 1927.) 16s. net. (2) The Elements of Physics. By Prof. Alpheus W. Smith. Formerly published under the title of “The Elements of Applied Physics.” Second edition. Pp. xviii + 660. (New York: McGraw-Hill Book Co., Inc.; London: McGraw-Hill Publishing Co, Ltd, 1927.) 17s. 6d. net. (3) Light. By F. Bray. Pp. xii + 284 + 6 plates. (London: Edward Arnold and Co, n.d.) 6s. (4) Light. By Vivian T. Saunders. Pp. vii + 320. (London: John Murray, 1927.) 6s. net. (5) Studies in Optics. By Dr. A. A. Michelson. (The University of Chicago Science Series.) Pp. ix + 176 + 7 plates. (Chicago, III.: University of Chicago Press; London: Cambridge University Press, 1927.) 10s. net.

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