
We outline the rationale and process used by the Cetacean Density and Distribution Mapping (CetMap) Working Group to identify Biologically Important Areas (BIAs) for 24 cetacean species, stocks, or populations in seven regions within U.S. waters. BIAs are reproductive areas, feeding areas, migratory corridors, and areas in which small and resident populations are concentrated. BIAs are region-, species-, and time-specific. Information provided for each BIA includes the following: (1) a written narrative describing the information, assumptions, and logic used to delineate the BIA; (2) a map of the BIA; (3) a list of references used in the assessment; and (4) a metadata table that concisely details the type and quantity of information used to define a BIA, providing transparency in how BIAs were designated in a quick reference table format. BIAs were identified through an expert elicitation process. The delineation of BIAs does not have direct or immediate regulatory consequences. Rather, the BIA assessment is intended to provide the best available science to help inform regulatory and management decisions under existing authorities about some, though not all, important cetacean areas in order to minimize the impacts of anthropogenic activities on cetaceans and to achieve conservation and protection goals. In addition, the BIAs and associated information may be used to identify information gaps and prioritize future research and modeling efforts to better understand cetaceans, their habitat, and ecosystems.

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