
GABAergic neurons located in the basal forebrain (BF) play important roles in promoting wakefulness and cortical activation. The developmental origin of these neurons is unknown. Here we use a fate-mapping approach to investigate BF GABAergic neurons derived from the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) which express the transcription factor, Lim homeobox 6 (Lhx6). Previously validated mice expressing Cre Recombinase (Cre) under the control of the Lhx6 promoter region were purchased from Jackson Laboratories (Bar Harbor, ME). A cross with a Cre-reporter strain expressing the red fluorescent protein, tdTomato, allowed us to investigate the location of MGE-derived neurons. Immunostaining was used to identify parvalbumin neurons. Adeno-associated viral vectors expressing excitatory receptors (hM3Dq) activated exclusively by the designer drug, clozapine-N-oxide (CNO), were injected bilaterally into BF to test the effect on sleep-wake states. Neurons specified by Lhx6 were widely distributed throughout the BF. They included BF parvalbumin-containing projection neurons involved in promotion of wakefulness and cortical gamma-band oscillations. 575/1071 PV neurons counted in the BF of one Lhx6-Cre-tdTomato mouse contained tdTomato. However, only 13.7 % of tdTomato neurons were PV+, suggesting that Lhx6 also specifies other types of BF GABA neurons. Chemogenetic activation of Lhx6-derived BF neurons strongly increased wakefulness and gamma band power for >1 hr after i.p. injection of CNO (0.3 mg/kg) at ZT2. CNO treated mice had 83 ± 3 % wakefulness whereas saline-treated mice had only 30 ± 1 % (n=2) in the period 20–80 min following injection. Saline-injected mice also had increased wakefulness but only in the 20 min immediately following the injection. Wakefulness-promoting BF GABAergic neurons are derived from MGE progenitor cells expressing Lhx6. Cortical interneurons implicated in schizophrenia and other neurodevelopmental disorders are derived from the same pathway suggesting a potential involvement of BF Lhx6-derived neurons in the sleep-wake disturbances observed in these disorders. This work was supported by the US Veterans Administration, VA CDA 1IK2BX002130 (JMM) and NIH: NINDS R21 NS093000 (REB) & NIMH R03 MH107650 (CY). JTM received partial salary compensation and funding from Merck MISP, but has no conflict of interest with this work.

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