
Imported Valencia oranges were evaluated to determine the relationship between the fruit size and its quality. The orange size was classified into three groups on a commercial basis: small (140~160 g/113±5 fruit/box), medium (190~220 g/88±5 fruit/box), and large (250~280 g/72±5 fruit/box). The physicochemical and sensory properties were analyzed to evaluate the orange quality. No significant difference in the peel thickness and flesh ratio was detected across the fruit sizes. The juice yield of the medium-sized orange and the TSS/TA ratios of the medium-sized and large oranges showed the highest value, respectively (p<0.05). The large orange had the highest vitamin C content, which was positively correlated with both its DPPH and ABTS radical scavenging abilities (p<0.05). In the sensory evaluation of the fruits and their juice, the scores for sourness and overall preference were significantly higher in the medium-sized and large oranges than in the small ones. The total soluble solids, total acidity, TSS/TA ratio, and reducing sugar content were significantly related to the sensory properties. Finally, the quality and sensory properties were considered superior in the medium-sized and lager Valencia oranges. Further studies on the effects of the variety and origin of Valencia oranges on their quality and sensory properties are required.

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