
Target strength (TS) of Japanese common squids (Todarodes pacificus) were measured using 38 and 120 kHz split beam scientific echosounders under the live condition. For the TS measurement of an individual, a total of 3 squids (mantle length (ML): 22.8, 25, and 27 cm) were used using small fishhook method, whereas for measurement of swimming angle, a total of 8 squids (ML: 21-27 cm) were used under live condition, confined with net cage with 2 m diameter At the same time, two underwater video cameras enabled continuous monitoring of squid behavior. Considering normal behavior, the mean TS at 38 and 120 kHz varied from -48.6 to -45.9 dB, and from -46.5 to -44.6 dB, respectively In both frequencies, mean TS at 120 kHz is relatively higher than that of 38 kHz, approximately 1.3-2.5 dB. From free living condition, the mean swimming angle of the squlds was <TEX>$-24^{\circ}$</TEX>. The results of the measurement will be provided basic information for conducting acoustic surveys of the squid.

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