
The article describes the dialogue between Thomas Groome’s approach to faith formation and Gestalt theory in order to develop a practice approach to faith formation. The transversal model of cross-disciplinary dialogue, developed by Wentzel van Huyssteen, is utilised to develop a practice approach to faith formation. The process of faith formation, according to Thomas Groome’s Shared Christian Praxis approach, encompassing five movements, is described first. This is followed by a literature study on Gestalt theory. The philosophical roots of Gestalt theory as well as specific Gestalt concepts are explored in order to explain the process of human growth and change. Gestalt theory’s paradoxical theory of change, as well as the contact cycle are utilised in order to explain the process of integration and assimilation of faith. The transversal dialogue is continued by relating the insights gained from Groome’s approach and Gestalt theory. The context of missional ecclesiology, in which the researcher finds himself, is also accounted for during the dialogue. The process identifies six guidelines for the practice of faith formation. The findings of the dialogue are processed into a practice approach to faith formation. The practice approach is presented in such a way that it can be utilised in a variety of settings.


  • ’n Praktykbenadering tot geloofsvorming vanuit die benadering van Thomas Groome en die Gestaltteorie: ’n Prakties-teologiese dialoog

  • The process of faith formation, according to Thomas Groome’s Shared Christian Praxis approach, encompassing five movements, is described first. This is followed by a literature study on Gestalt theory

  • The findings of the dialogue are processed into a practice approach to faith formation

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Original Research

’n Praktykbenadering tot geloofsvorming vanuit die benadering van Thomas Groome en die Gestaltteorie: ’n Prakties-teologiese dialoog. & Grobler, H.B., 2016, ‘’n Praktykbenadering tot geloofsvorming vanuit die benadering van Thomas Groome en die Gestaltteorie: ’n Prakties-teologiese dialoog’, HTS Teologiese Studies/Theological Studies 72(3), a3197. The process of faith formation, according to Thomas Groome’s Shared Christian Praxis approach, encompassing five movements, is described first This is followed by a literature study on Gestalt theory. The article is an assimilation of the author’s unpublished doctoral thesis under the supervision of Dr R.A. Denton and Prof H.B. Grobler, with the title ‘’n Praktykbenadering tot geloofsvorming vanuit die benadering van Thomas Groome en Gestaltteorie: ’n Prakties-teologiese dialoog’ (Faculty of Theology, North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015)

Open Access
Die doelwit van geloofsvorming volgens Groome
Filosofiese wortels van die Gestaltteorie
Organismiese selfregulering
Missionale ekklesiologie as huidige bedieningskonteks
Die kerk se missie is ingebed in God se missie
Missionale geloofsvorming
Missionale rigtingwysers vir geloofsvorming
Rigtingwysers vir geloofsvorming vanuit Groome se benadering
Rigtingwysers vir geloofsvorming vanuit die Gestaltteorie
Riglyne vir geloofsvorming
Onderskeidende wysheid
Selfopofferende verhoudings
Waarderende openheid
Mededingende belange
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