
In this report the writer described on the remarkable thyroid gland of the tuna, Thunnus thynnus (LINNÉ). They pos ?? large, compact masses of thyroid gland, which can be removed easily free from the other tissues and organs. 1. The thyroid of the tuna extends on the bifurcated region of the 1st and the 2nd afferent branchial arteries. These soft masses are consisted of a anterior small lobe and a posterior large one, and their coloration are dark orange or dark reddish brown. 2. Ratio of fresh wet weight of the tuna thyroid 1kg. of body weight, is 29.19mg, aceton dry weight is 5.01mg, and also anterior ?? ote/posterior lobe is 16.72/83.28. 3. The histological observation of the tuna thyroid showed similarity to the organs of higher vertebrates rather than that of the other common teleosts. The small number of giant follicles (400-700 μ in size) uniformly scattered in the ground of common follicles (about 100 μ), In some places the nearly spherical follicles were grouped and they showed a figare of obvious hyperactivity with very high columnar epithelial cells. 4. In the epithelium of exhausted or spent follicles the homogeneous wedge-form substances were observed here and there, however they were perceived in the anterior lobe only in the specimen fixed by Boum's solution. The writer thought that this substances are not described yet in other vertebrate thyroid. They are deeply stained by haematoxylin, negative to Fe ?? lgen's reaction, and not like to Golgi's apparatus or mitochondria. This undecided substances may be artefact produced by RNA referable substances, further investigation will be continued.

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