
Abstract In manual inspection of Lead Screw of computers many workers are needed to inspect samples, and its main disadvantage is that such types of inspection system not only gives low production, but also gives low perfection. Besides, in manual inspection system, the inspection cost of samples is higher than that of the automatic inspection system. Therefore, in this study to compensate these shortcomings, an automatic inspection system is developed. For the inspection of the surfaces and different dimensional parameters of computer Lead screw, a 360° rotating machine vision system is developed. From the detailed analysis of the inspection results using the present developed inspection system, it is observed that the developed Lead Screw automatic inspection system is superior to those of manually inspection system.Key Words : Lead Screw, Auto Inspection, Machine Vision 본 논문은 중소기업청 “생산환경혁신기술개발사업(제2008-62호)”으로 지원받은 과제임. * 교신저자 : 김성관(kimsg@kongju.ac.kr)접수일 10년 04월 22일 수정일 (1차 10년 10월 15일, 2차 10년 11월 16일) 게재확정일 10년 11월 19일

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