
The article discusses the influence of Aristotle on Ptolemy I. It is established that Ptolemy I managed to put into practice the ideas of Aristotle about a virtuous monarch and a state in which citizens lead a contemplative life. The reign of Ptolemy I fully corresponded to Aristotle's ideas of absolute monarchy. According to Aristotle, a monarch can have absolute power only if he has exceptional virtue. According to Aristotle, the main political virtue is prudence. This virtue is associated with making the right decisions in public administration. As we have shown, Ptolemy I was a very prudent monarch who managed to build a strong and prosperous state in Egypt. Also, Ptolemy I brought to life the idea of Aristotle on the establishment of a major research center. The Museum and Library in Alexandria became the place where Greek scientists and philosophers could lead a contemplative life in full accordance with Aristotle's views on the ideal state.

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