
Food-dependent exercise-induced anaphylaxis (FDEIA) is a distinct form of food allergy induced by physical exercise. It is typified by the onset of anaphylaxis during exercise, which is preceded by the ingestion of causal food allergens. Diagnosis of FDEIA is heavily dependent on clinical history. To describe the physiopathological mechanism, etiologic factors, and clinical manifestations, we evaluated the spleen index, proliferation assay of lymphocyte, ROS, ASAS, and cytokines levels in sensitized and exercise-trained mice. One-hundred mice were bred in the animal lab at D and P university under controlled conditions [22±2℃, RH 45-55%, and a 12-hour photoperiod]. Animals are 7-weeks-old at the time of study and were fed a standard commercial chow diet from 09:00 to 15:00 over the 8-week study period. The mice were allowed access to distilled deionized water ad libitum. Daily food intake and weekly body gains were routinely recorded throughout the experimental period using computing scale (CAS). Mice were divided into the control group (S; control sensitized, n=25), 30 min swim training group (S30, N=25), 50 min swim training group (S50, N=25), and 80 min swim training group (S80, N=25). The results were as follows: Spleen index showed the highest level in the S80 group compared to other groups; this level was exercise-dependent. In proliferation assay of Med and OVA, the S80 group showed the highest level compared to the other groups; this level also was exercise intensity-dependent. Peritoneal ROS and IL-4 showed a statistically significant difference compared to S; however, there was no significant differences in ROS among S30, 50, and 80. From the results, we concluded that FDEIA is correlated with exercise intensity based on the levels of peritoneal ROS and cytokine profiles.

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