
The paper analyzes the state of cyber security in Ukraine as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. It is determined that the main reason for the aggravation of the situation in this area in 2020-2021 was the transition of an unprecedented number of citizens to remote working and an increase in the share of e-commerce. This situation has exacerbated existing and contributed to the emergence of new problems of legal, organizational, software and technical and other areas of cyber security in Ukraine. Based on the analysis of statistical data, analytical materials (obtained primarily from open sources of the Cyberpolice of Ukraine), international experience has shown that the COVID-19 pandemic most actively contributed to the development of such cybercrimes as: obtaining user credentials through malware distribution (usually phishing method); fraud schemes for the sale of personal protective equipment, medicines and other goods designed to prevent coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, as well as for the sale of other consumer goods; spreading misinformation and fakes in order to create panic and social instability in the state. The conducted analysis allowed to outline the main priority areas in counteracting this socially dangerous phenomenon. Among them: the need to intensify the activities of law enforcement agencies in Ukraine in cybercrime counteraction, to strengthen cooperation with law enforcement agencies of other countries; to create new and make amendments to existing regulatory legal acts to combat cyber threats, including on the basis of international experience and international standards; improvement of software and hardware of information and telecommunication systems; improving public awareness of the cyber security system in the country, etc.

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