
摘要本文從三個層面嘗試,第一是韻律分析,提出了李白運用入聲字安排節奏韻律的幾種模型。第二個層面是分析作品的詞彙,觀察同義詞、色彩詞、數字詞的運用。第三個層面是分析李白有哪些句式及語法結構。關鍵詞: 李白詩, 唐詩韻律,語言風格學, 入聲字 In this paper, the emphasis is placed on the language styles and techniques by the analysis of the works of Li Bai, in order to see a more complete picture of Li Bai’s works, not just the manifestation of emotional contents. Linguistic analysis openes up a new window for the appreciation of poems. This goal was achieved by three ways: (1) By analyzing the rhythm of Li Bai’s poems, (2) by analyzing the lexical structure of Li Bai’s works, and (3) by analyzing the syntactic structure of Li Bai’s poetry.

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