
在中国革命的严重危机下,共产国际指导中国共产党召开了八七会议。八七会议纠正了中国共产党的右倾错误,分析了中国革命的基本形势,确立了土地革命和武装斗争的方针。八七会议是中国革命历史上的一次具有转折意义的会议,为中国共产党继续进行革命制定了正确的方针。 After the failure of the great revolution, in order to reverse the situation of the Chinese revolution, the Communist International decided that the Chinese Communist Party must hold an emergency meeting. The Communist International not only held a series of preparatory work for the meeting, but also send Romy Naz to preside over the meeting, so as to supervise and carry out the instruc-tions of the Communist International and the spirit of a series of resolutions. This implied that the result and the insufficiency of August 7th meeting had a close relationship with the Communist International.

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