
The paper deals with French political discourse. The scope of research includes the latest speeches of the acting French president Emmanuel Macron illustrating his anti-russian declamations which could represent the peculiarities of the linguistic indentity of the acting French leader. The object of research consists of E. Macron’s word usages extracted from such speeches delivered throughout the year 2002 as «Discours du Président Emmanuel Macron à l’Assemblée générale des Nations unies 2022», «Sonférence de à l’issue du Sommet informel des chefs d’État et de gouvernement de l’Union européenne», «Guerre en Ukraine: l’intégralité de l’allocution d’Emmanuel Macron», «Bénin: «La Russie a commencé au fond un nouveau type d’une guerre hybride”. Macron accuse la Russie d’être “l’une des dernières puissances impériales coloniales”». It is attempted to illustrate that his linguistic identity is diverse and could be designated by excessive metaphorical modeling, literature-centricity straightforwardness and picturesque descriptive words. While studying the metaphorical meanings of the lexical units under consideration the method of contextual analysis, component analysis method and the descriptive method are being used. The aim of the research is to represent the specifics of E. Macron’s verbal behavior by the example of anti-russian declamations in mass media. The relevance of the study is determined be citing and analyzing the latest interventions and declarations of the acting French president that illustrate contemporary political framework. The paper contains a large number of examples. The article may be of interest to experts in the field of French political discourse. The practical significance of the study consists in the possibility of inclusion of the examples of analysis of E. Macron’s speeches in didactic materials while designing special courses in the language of the French political communication for training students of such Master’s Degree programs as “International Relations”, “International Strategic Communication”, “Global Politics”, and “Information Support of State Interests”.

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