
At a time when Ukraine continues to fight for territorial integrity, and when combat actions in the east of the country alternate with short periods of silence, all the years of modern independence and the years of formation of Ukrainian statehood are subject to revision and rethinking from the perspective of our national self-sufficiency. For these purposes, Ukrainians bite the dust in the fight against pro-Russian separatists. During the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine, two hundred and eighteen Volynians became victims of armed confrontation. More than two hundred times Volyn region was in mourning - Volynians buried their compatriots (110 Volynians were killed or died in 2014, 65 - in 2015, 29 - in 2016, 13 - in 2017, and 1 - up to 30 April 2018). We must remember the heroes who gave their lives for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. These soldiers, their sacrifice and courage are discussed in the article. The circumstances of their death, starting from the tragedy near Volnovakha, and the dynamics of mortality among Volyn’s servicemen during 2014 – early 2018 were analyzed as well as the tendency for non-combat casualties number increase was explained. In addition, information about the Volynians who were killed or died during the anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine (2014 - April 2018) is summarized, the circumstances of fatal losses are clarified, and the causes of combat / non-combat losses are singled out. It was calculated that most of the deceased Volyn residents were servicemen of the 51st / 14th Guards Mechanized Brigades (76 and 20 people, respectively), the 24th Guards Mechanized Brigade – 16 soldiers, and the 24th Aidar Territorial Guard Battalion – 14 soldiers. Among the fatal losses of the Volyn region – 29 officers. 141 people from Volyn were posthumously awarded, while among them the highest award of the Hero of Ukraine was awarded to eighteen-year-old Andriy Snitko.

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