
PDF HTML阅读 XML下载 导出引用 引用提醒 城市扩张与水污染物排放的伴生效应与交互机理——基于2011-2015年长三角地区的实证检验 DOI: 10.5846/stxb202102230498 作者: 作者单位: 作者简介: 通讯作者: 中图分类号: 基金项目: 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)(XDA23020101);国家自然科学基金项目(41971164) Associated effects and interaction mechanism of urban expansion and water pollutant emissions: A case study of the Yangtze River Delta from 2011 to 2015 Author: Affiliation: Fund Project: The Major Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, 摘要 | 图/表 | 访问统计 | 参考文献 | 相似文献 | 引证文献 | 资源附件 | 文章评论 摘要:揭示城市扩张与水污染物排放之间的伴生效应与空间交互机理是城市化水环境效应研究的重要议题。以长三角地区为例,选取COD和NH3-N两项特征污染物指标,在2011-2015年快速城市化时期的水污染物排放格局分析基础上,优选空间杜宾模型估计城市扩张与水污染物排放的伴生效应,采用直接效应和间接效应分解定量测度二者的空间交互机理。研究结果表明:2011-2015年长三角地区水污染物排放规模显著下降,县域排放强度等级整体降低,高强度排放格局由连片式分布收缩为零散式分布;城市扩张与水污染物排放的伴生效应显著而稳定,高扩张-高排放型县域在上海及其周边、苏北地区集中分布,沿海和沿江区位是城市扩张通常会选择的布局指向,在排污距离成本和环境规制强度双重作用下,距海岸线和长江干流距离越远,水污染物排放强度越呈对数曲线式降低;城市扩张与水污染物排放的空间交互作用具有两面性,城市扩张规模每提升1%,使本地COD、NH3-N排放分别增加0.274%、0.368%的同时,还会造成邻近县域排放降低1.017%、0.650%。因此,为缓解城市扩张与水污染物排放的伴生效应和交互作用,既要划定城市扩张边界、严格抑制扩张规模,还需注重城市水污染物处理设施配套及管网建设,通过区域环境承载力提升缓解城市化造成的环境胁迫过程。 Abstract:Revealing the associated effect and spatial interaction mechanism between urban expansion and water pollutant emissions is an important issue for studying the water environmental effects of urbanization. The Yangtze River Delta (YRD) has been experiencing rapid urbanization at an annual rate of nearly 1 percent from 2011 to 2015. Rapid urbanization not only increased the impervious surface of a city and changes the structure of the regional ecological environment but also introduced high-density industrial production and urban living activities that accelerated the emission of pollutants. Taking the YRD as an example and selecting COD and NH3-N as two characteristic pollutants, this study described the temporal and spatial characteristics of water pollutant emissions at the county level from 2011 to 2015, optimized the spatial Durbin model (SDM) to estimate the associated effect of urban expansion and water pollutant emissions, and quantitatively measured the spatial interaction between them through direct and indirect effects. The results show that (1) the water pollutant emissions in the YRD have decreased significantly from 2011 to 2015, and the high-intensity emission pattern changed from a contiguous to a scattered distribution, which were concentrated in urban periphery counties and coastal and riverside counties. (2) The associated effect of urban expansion and water pollutant emissions was significant and stable. In 2011, every 1% increase of urban expansion led to 0.293% and 0.319% increase in COD and NH3-N emissions in the YRD, respectively. By 2015, the increase rates of COD and NH3-N emissions reached 0.300% and 0.380%, respectively. The counties with high expansion and high emissions were concentrated in Shanghai and its surrounding areas and northern Jiangsu. (3) The coastal and riverside areas were the layout directions that urban expansion usually chose. Under the control of pollution distance cost and environmental regulation intensity, the farther the distance from the coastline and the Yangtze River, the lower the water pollutant emission intensity. (4) The spatial interaction between urban expansion and water pollutant emissions had two sides. Due to the siphon effect, every 1% increase in the scale of urban expansion resulted in 0.274% and 0.368% increases in local COD and NH3-N emissions, respectively, while emissions in the adjacent counties synchronously decreased by 1.017% and 0.650%, respectively. (5) To break the association and spatial interaction between urban expansion and water pollutant emission and alleviate the environmental stress on the YRD, in addition to delimiting an urban expansion boundary and strictly restraining the scale of expansion, improvement in the regional environmental carrying capacity through urban water pollutant treatment facilities and pipe network construction is urgently needed. 参考文献 相似文献 引证文献

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