
The period of Soviet nationality policy was of the utmost importance for the Evenk National (Autonomous) District in the 1920–1970. This article analyzes in detail the place and role of the Evenk National District in the light of Soviet nationality policy. Critical analysis of scientific literature, quantitative and qualitative content analysis of archival material, including the use of the "VAAL" psycholinguistic expert system, were used as research methods. The research sample included the materials of the leading national newspaper of Evenkia — "Soviet Evenkia" for 1960. This material made it possible to reconstruct the history of the development of the Evenk National (Autonomous) District from the moment of its formation in 1930 to 1960 in the context of the Soviet nationality policy, as well as to identify the priority topics and problems that underlie the District's national policy. As a result of the analysis of 78 articles published in 64 issues of the newspaper "Soviet Evenkia" for 1960, the following conclusions were drawn: 1) the most frequently raised topic is the topic of collective farm life, considered in many respects from a material point of view; 2) the second important topic is the topic of the culture of the region, understood primarily as a developed party propaganda system. At the same time, great emphasis is placed on the elimination of illiteracy and the spread of reading among the population. The need for the development of national art is also mentioned, the distribution of cinema among the inhabitants of the district is supported; 3) the topic of education, touched upon in the articles, is the most problematic. It is mainly associated with solving the problem of forming a "national intelligentsia" in the district; 4) the dynamics of the development of the Evenk national district during the period of the Soviet nationality policy of 1920–1970 is obvious. Evenkia, which received an independent status in 1930, was given the opportunity to develop economically and culturally. The district's dynamic development took place within the framework of the general development policy of the Soviet state.

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