
Статья посвящена вопросу формирования образа военнослужащего в интерпретации исторической униформологии, его постепенного видоизменения. Такой угол исследования истории Гражданской войны позволит раскрыть характер военной и фронтовой повседневности, затрагивая психологический аспект, поскольку из отчетов контрразведки колчаковских войск просматривается тесная связь между качеством одежды бойцов и их общим моральным состоянием, чем и обуславливается научная новизна работы, поскольку специальных исторических исследований по теме военной повседневности в годы Гражданской войны еще не предпринималось. The article is devoted to the issue of the image formation of a military man in the interpretation of historical uniformology, its gradual modification due to the degradation of logistics and the virtually complete shutdown of industrial procurement of raw materials for sewing garments and equipment in the conditions of intense clashes of the Civil War. Such an angle of research will reveal the nature of military and frontline everyday life, touching on the psychological aspect, since the reports of the counterintelligence of the Kolchak troops show a close relationship between the quality of clothing worn by the soldiers and the general moral condition, which determines the scientific novelty of the work, since special historical studies on the topic of military daily life during the Civil War have not yet been published. The purpose of the study is to determine the average uniform portrait of a military man by the time the phase is completed the most intense fighting in the history of the Civil War and the movement of the military theater to Eastern Siberia and the Far East. This research uses a set of both published and unpublished sources from the State Archive of the Irkutsk region. The author in the study was guided, in addition to historical ones, by the method of the comparative double cross principle and the method of historical reconstruction.

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