
To reduce the workload of nursing staff, it is necessary to develop new approaches to the organization of work, new methods and forms of managing these personnel. Purpose of the study is to develop a system for the distribution of duties of non-medical personnel in order to improve the efficiency of medical organization functioning, basing on the example of the Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital № 67. The system will significantly reduce the workload of medical personnel, increase staff motivation and improve the quality of medical services provided. Material and methods. The features of the the Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital № 67 functioning, as well as the personnel reform carried out, contributing to the optimization of the activities of medical personnel, are considered. A quantitative analysis of the costs and structure of the nurses working time in the Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital № 67 was carried out on the basis of statistical accounting methods: an inventory of tasks and a survey of nurses in a separate building of the medical organization were performed. Results. It was revealed that the greatest time costs for performing labor operations that do not require medical qualifications during the working day fall on the nurses of treatment (procedure) room and dressing examination (bandaging room). Specific job responsibilities that can be delegated to non-medical staff have been identified. According to the results of a quantitative study, the modernization of labor organization principles in medical organizations on the example of the Vorohobov’s City Clinical Hospital № 67 consists in delegating labor operations, such as document handling and working with electronic resources, to non-medical personnel. Findings. The results of the study can be used by the management of medical organizations in the organization of labor and the distribution of the workload of medical and non-medical personnel to improve the quality of medical services provided.

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