
The relevance of the research topic is due to the increased uncertainty of the economic environment, especially in crisis situations such as a pandemic, and the expediency of defining the principles of libertarianism as a philosophical trend within the behavioral economics. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the advisability of expanding the range of principles of libertarianism in the context of an intentional economy at the expense of the imperative of culture as an exogamy of freedom and consensus. The methodological base is made up of: scientific abstraction, which makes it possible to identify factors that turn into imperatives; typologization as a method of determining positions that are attributed to freedom or consensus, the method of analysis and synthesis in substantiating the principle of culture. In the process of realizing the goal of the study, the main imperatives of libertarianism that prevail in Western philosophy of economics are described. The concepts of David Boazu are taken as a basis, which contain: individualism, limited management, free market, virtue of economic activity, harmony of interests, rules of law, rights of individuals and spontaneous order. The expediency of expanding the range of principles of libertarianism in the context of the intentional economy at the expense of the imperative of culture as an exogamy of freedom and consensus has been substantiated. It is noted that the culture of freedom presupposes the existence of rules, does not restrict the free choice of actions as derivatives of certain intentions. Freedom presupposes not only free choice, but also other conditions necessary for the successful realization of intentions: versatility of intentions, actions and results; responsibility for intentions and results of their implementation. Consensus within libertarianism in the sphere of intentional economics provides for the alignment of interests, is the quintessence of culture as a current one, reaching compromises on a rational basis. The culture of consensus is the coordination of intentions. The culture of exogamy allows for the following. The rules of behavior that exist in society and its economic plane can determine: the priority of the interests of a certain economic actor, if this does not contradict the freedom of another economic player; shaping the values of an economic society; harmonization with the expediency of the graduation of intentions according to various criteria

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