
Cargo terminals are nodal elements of the transport infrastructure, forming the shape of the basic transportation network, which in its turn builds the foundation for the regional economy. Accordingly, the costs of the design, construction and operation of cargo terminal of any scale - from cargo yard to international hub - are very high, but much higher are the consequences of their optimal or poor economic performance connected to the transformation of cargo flows. So, the problem of the perception of the economic profile of the developing or reconstructed terminals on the stage of their technological design remains actual, not only regarding the aspects of an engineering installation equipped with the set of technical means, but the aspect of two main operational processes - internal processes of the terminal and the external processes of the senior level of the transport system. This dynamics could be represented adequately and accurately studied with simulation techniques. The article studies the technologic aspects of the port and terminal design arriving to conclusions of their development insufficiency of the traditional analytical methods in current conditions. The role and the place of the mathematical simulation in the technological design, the history of its development, the current state have been discussed. New possibilities of simulation modelling and new problems connected with the adequacy proving have been identified. The general principles of the adequacy problem solution for the field of technologic design of the sea ports have been covered.

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