
Definition of the scheme of binding and operating modes of pumps of filling system with propellants of launch vehicle tanks for providing requirements for their operation was purpose of researches. Definition of influence of parameters of propellants for providing requirements for their operation was a task. The failure of pressure is understood as a difference between stationary pressure (after an exit to the mode) at the minimum pressure on an entrance to the pump. Cavitation and desaturation of working fluid on an entrance to the pump are possible at pressure drop lower than pressure of saturated steam. Cavitation is fast flowing physical and mathematical processes in the liquid arising at reduction of pressure up to the value smaller than pressure of saturated steam at this temperature. Thus in separate place of a stream there is rupture of a continuity with filling of emptiness with small vials of saturated steam and the dissolved air emitted from liquid. Cavitation as a rule leads to decrease in a pressure, feeding and efficiency of the pump, to emergence of noise and vibrations. At centrifugal pumps the zone of emergence of the cavitation effect is near an entrance, to the driving wheel. The method of cavitation of value of failure of pressure on an entrance to the pump in the inclusion mode with filling of launce vehicle experimentally is developed. Turing on of the pump happened at the closed valved on the pressure line which opens after a pump exit to the nominal mode. Depending on time of opening of valve accelaration of liquid stream in the pipeline changes. Experimental data of amplitude and duration of a failure of pressure depending of propellants and hydraulic system are presented. It is shown than for implementation of the requirement about turning on of the pump at the closed valve on the pressure line it is necessary to install the valve with the electric drive for ensuring uniform speed of its opening. Satisfactory convergence of estimated and experimental data is shown

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