
Folk veterinary medicine – an important plot of national experience, which includes rational knowledge and practical skills of domestic animals treatment. The special attention was paid to those Ukrainian animals from whom was depended the success of farming (horses, cattle, pigs, sheep). In traditional veterinary medicine are mainly used the same means as in folk medicine. The most popular were the drugs of plant origin. Frequently herbal medicine is used in combination with minerals, animal fats. Folk veterinary accumulated and some knowledge about the importance of sanitation and hygiene for the successful care for domestic animals. To prevent diseases animals were kept in damp or cold places, did not allow to drink stagnant water, periodically changed grazing and watering place, followed by timely horses forging and oxen. During the wars there were observed various wounds in horses, applied with edged weapons, slaughter, stretching, injuries and more. Those wounds were treated by horsemen, using methods and traditional medicines. For bandaging the injured limb, as well as the blood stops substances are used dry and pre-boiled wool, rough canvas, tar, ash, various drugs and other means. After the end of hostilities the treatment of injuries in horses were engaged healers, chiropractors, but mostly – horse doctor, paying particular attention to the full feed, care of the skin, hooves. The shepherd had known about infectious diseases, which they tried to prevent and treat, and diseases of the udder, digestive and respiratory system. The shepherds tried in various ways to treat and parasitic diseases. For example, Fasciolosis (rot) they treated with fir branches, hemp seed, toasted oats. Shepherds, herdsmen, healers collected, dried, stored and used medicinal herbs during genera and injuries, they were also engaged in bloodletting. For therapeutic purposes blood fat, bile, bone marrow, milk and dairy products, vegetable oils were used, to wit they were the first veterinary specialists doctors. Itinerant surgeons-barbers were also engaged in treatment of animals. In the twelfth century. surgeons-barbers moved to sedentary lifestyles and became to join into craft, which were engaged in the treatment of sick animals and training of young professionals. Barbers surgeons played great role in life and everyday life of the Lviv philistinism. They were engaged in treatment, produced drugs, patches, bled and also sheared and shaved.


  • Scientific Messenger of Lviv National University of Veterinary Medicine and Biotechnologies named after S.Z

  • During the wars there were observed various wounds in horses, applied with edged weapons, slaughter, stretching, injuries and more. Those wounds were treated by horsemen, using methods and traditional medicines

  • Barbers surgeons played great role in life and everyday life of the Lviv philistinism. They were engaged in treatment, produced drugs, patches, bled and sheared and shaved

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Паростки лікувальної справи тварин в Галичині

Львівський національний університет ветеринарної медицини та біотехнологій імені С.З. Народна ветеринарія нагромадила і певні знання про значення санітарії та гігієни для успішного догляду за свійськими тваринами. Для перев’язування травмованих кінцівок, а також як кровозупинні речовини використовували сухі й попередньо прокип’ячені овечу шерсть, грубе полотно, дьоготь, попіл, різні лікарські речовини та інші засоби. Після закінчення військових дій лікуванням травм у коней займалися народні цілителі, знахарі, а в основному – коновали, особливу увагу звертали на повноцінну годівлю, догляд за шкірним покривом, копитами. Скотарі, знахарі збирали, сушили, зберігали і застосовували лікарські трави при родах і травмах, вони займалися також кровопусканням. Для лікувальних цілей використовували кров, жир, жовч, кістковий мозок, молоко і молочні продукти, рослинні олії, тобто саме вони були першими ветеринарними фахівцями-лікарями. Виготовляли ліки, пластирі, пускали кров, а також стригли і голили. Ключові слова: народна ветеринарія, захворювання, коновали, пастухи, лікарські заходи, хірурги-цирульники, діагностика, ветеринарна служба, тварини, епізоотії

Истоки лечебного дела животных в Галичине
Sprouts of animals medical affairs in Galychyna
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