
The new international division of labor, production internationalization along with the acceleration of integration processes development challenge the role of government and business elite in terms of fulfillment of the integration potential of the national economy to ensure its competitiveness on world markets and welfare of its citizens. The successful solution to a wide variety of issues related to the effective use of tariff and non-tariff regulation is a critical factor in the development of the integration potential of Ukraine. It is also obvious that already concluded FTAs require revision from the point of view of advocating economically more rational and expedient use of relevant instruments of government regulation of economic relations with partners. The study deals with the trade in goods between Ukraine and Canada in the context of Canada-Ukraine Free Trade Agreement. The data taken from the State Statistics Service of Ukraine allows to examine the commodity patterns of exports and imports, to analyze the dynamics of exports, imports, balance of trade in goods between Ukraine and Canada for 2016–2021. Exports of goods to Canada in 2016 – 28.9 mln USD and in 2021 – 160.1 mln USD, i.e. increased 5.5 times; the share of exports of the Ukrainian goods to Canada in all exports of goods of Ukraine grew 3 times from 0,08% to 0,24%. Imports of goods from Canada in 2016 – 217.3 mln USD, and in 2021 – 260.6 mln USD; the share of imports of the Canadian goods to Ukraine in all imports of goods of Ukraine decreased from 0,6% to 0,4%. The trade deficit in goods has been slightly improved: in 2016 the negative balance of trade in goods of -188.4 mln USD is observed and in 2021 it is -100.5 mln USD. The analysis of commodity pattern of Ukraine's exports and imports is presented to identify the changes in the share of the main product groups. It is emphasized that the trends of deindustrialization and primitivization of exports significantly narrow the possibilities for development of the integration potential of Ukraine. It is recommended to modernize the FTA with Canada so that its implementation contributes to the restructuring of the national economy. A key role in this restructuring should be played by the competitive industrial sector integrated into the world economy, which will also result in the long-term investments and additional opportunities for Ukraine to participate in those production segments of global chains where the maximum added value is created.

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