
The research results of the impact of sowing terms, pre-sowing treatment of seed with Rexolin and foliar fertilization of crops with multicomponent chelate micronutrients Rexolin and Brasitrel on the formation of soybean productivity and yield in the conditions of the left-bank forest steppe of Ukraine are given. Soybean is considered to be a strategic crop. The interest to soy bean cultivation is increasingly growing in Ukraine. But, realization of the genetic potential of the modern varieties productivity in the production conditions is low. This is connected with inconsistency of the current technologies with the biological and morphological requirements of the intensive varieties. Therefore, the improvement of agrotechnical measures of soybean cultivation is one of the priorities of agrarian science. The aim of the study was to determine the regularities of formation of soybean yield structure and productivity depending on the sowing terms, seed treatment and foliar fertilization with micronutrients. The research was carried out at the experimental field of Poltava State Agricultural Research Station named by M.I. Vavilov of Institute of Pig Breeding and Аgro-industrial production of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences. In the experiment, the effect and interaction of three following factors have been studied: A – sowing terms (at a soil temperature of 10 ° C at a depth of 0-10 cm; at a temperature of 12 ° C at a depth of 0-10 cm; at a soil temperature of 14 ° C at a depth of 0-10 cm); B – pre-sowing seed treatment with micronutrient (without treatment; treatment with Rexolin); C – foliar fertilization with micronutrient (without fertilization; fertilization with Rexolin; fertilization with Brasitrel). Soybean was sown, based on the soil temperature indices, according to the of experiment scheme with seed of early-ripening variety Terek. Before sowing, seeds were treated with micronutrient Rexolin (150 g/t of seed). During the growing season, foliar fertilization with multicomponent micronutrients on the chelate base Rexolin of 500 g/ha and Brasitrel with the preparation consumption of 3 l/ha was performed. The study of formation of the yield structure components of the experimental soybean plants showed the difference in their values depending on the sowing terms, seed treatment and leaf spraying. The best productivity was provided by the soybean variety Terek on the plots with foliar fertilization with Brasitrel in combination with seed treatment with Rexolin: the number of beans per plant – 15.7–16.5 pcs., the number of seeds per bean – 1.90–1.95 pcs., the number of seeds per one plant – 29.8–32.2 g, weight of seed per one plant - 5.58–6.01 g, weight of 1000 seeds – 182.5–185.2 g. Researchers, conducted during the period of 2013–2015, indicate that soybean yields depend on both the hydrothermal conditions of the year and the studied factors. 2014 year was the most productive, the average productivity, regardless of the variants of the experiment, was 2.70 t/ha. The highest productivity of 2.99 t/ha was provided by crops, where sowing was carried out at a temperature of 12 ° C at a depth of 0-10 cm, seeds before sowing were treated with micronutrient Rexolin, and foliar fertilization with multicomponent chelate micronutrient Brasitrel was performed during the vegetation.

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