
The structural organization of the city's architectural environment, including territories, spaces, and loci, is considered. It is shown that the architectural environment of the historical center of the city is characterized by special subject-spatial inclusions-loci of power. The complex dynamics of the interdependence of social existence and the architectural environment determines the relevance of studying the interaction of the locus (architecture) of power and society. The basic features of the architecture of power are considered: sociotechnical character, features of functioning, orderliness of the structure. The author analyzes the advantages and social significance of the power architecture, the latent features of the functional structure, the diachrony of compositional properties and the principles of ensuring closeness. The potential influence of power using architecture semantics is correlated with the processes of implementing algorithms for habitation, distribution, and dominance. The transformation of the status of the architectural space of power is considered not only as an architectural and planning transformation, but also as a change in its semantics and attitude to it. It is argued that the conceptualization of the locus (the assertion of authenticity) is converted into the popularity, influence, and economic growth of the locality. The social significance of loci of power is in their ability to subject-spatial modeling of social reality; in the formation of the potential for relieving social tension; in prompting the behavior of social actors in non-standard situations. It is noted that modern spaces of power are characterized by a gradual rejection of traditional closeness in favor of simulated openness. It is stated that the image of the architectural space of power is one of the angles of the socio-historical portrait of power.

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