
This section focuses on an innovative approach to the medical students’ education and training with the implementation of innovative technology to the teaching mechanism. It also outlines the influence of the latest technology on students’ progress. The table of the virtualanatomical imaging system was used as an “innovative implementation” which became the drivingforce behind the use of multimedia technology.The effectiveness of using the virtual systemwhile giving lectures was identifiedthrough regular testing used to measure the students’ knowledge level of the studied material. The experiment involved only students ofthe medical facultyof Kherson State University, who specialize in medicine and are highly interested in getting practical skills as well as visualizing the study materials. The main component of an action plan was a regular check of thestudents’ progress that was conducted in two groups taught with different teaching methods. Our results demonstratethe continuous progress in the group, in which lectures were held using the interactive anatomical table. On the contrary,stability anda periodic decrease in the knowledge level were notedin the group, in which lectures were held without using the innovative technologies. The results of the experiment are presented in the form of a chart and a histogram that reflect the students' progress. It was alsostudied the ability of students to conduct independent research work, the development of their intellectual abilities and creative potential. It should be emphasized that the interactive anatomical table at Kherson State University covers several areas of application: medical universities and colleges, sports and medical facilities, television etc. The implementation of innovative technologies into the educational process requires the development and scientific substantiation of the content and methods of organization of the educational process that are mastered by the scientific and pedagogical staff of the medical faculty of the University.

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