
Purpose. The stratotypes and reference sections adopted as standards of the local stratigraphic scale units – suites and strata – that were highlighted in the Mountainous Crimea Mesozoic deposits – are the objects of crucial scientific and educational value. They also may act as objects of eco – and geological tourism. Purpose is to characterize the distribution of the standard geological sections for their potential recreational use and for the optimum nature protection forms option. Data & Methods. As starting materials for the present paper the results of Geological Museum Department (National Museum of Natural History NAS of Ukraine) research on inventory and monitoring of the Mountainous Crimea Mesozoic standard sections were used. Also the published literature and industrial geological reports analysis concerning the standard sections exact location was performed. Methods of modern information technologies and mapping were applied. Results. The parameters of the evaluation scale are proposed and the transport and physical accessibility of objects is evaluated. The standard sections location relative to the Mountainous Crimea natural reserved Fund, other natural and culture-historical landmarks is characterized. The Stratigraphic code requirement as for stratotypes’ accessibility in Mountainous Crimea in most cases is observed. Territorial combinations variety of natural and culture-historical attractions in the Mountainous Crimea contributes to recreational activities range expansion and objects’ involvement in the tourist turnover. Some of standard sections, highlighted in the South-Western Crimea, are situated now or were in past a part of students’ geological field practices polygons. Some stratigraphic units and their standard sections were first distinguished and studied within these polygons. The use of the territory as stationary field educational centers contributed to its deep and extensive research. Reasonable is to organize standard sections’ protection on the basis of Mountainous Crimea natural reserved Fund, and also to make them as a part of projected reserved objects. R ational is the use of areal forms for objects’ protection that combine environmental and recreational functions.

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