
The purpose of the article is comprehensively study the impact of the effectiveness of government workers on the process of sustainable development of society and the state. Namely, it is about the importance of skillful use of human resources in the government service and the search for arguments in favor of the need to increase efficiency as a guarantee of increasing public confidence in all branches of government. Special attention is also paid to the issue of argumentation of the level of salary of a person who is a government worker or works in local self-government bodies. Empirical data were analyzed using quantitative and qualitative methods, which helped to assess the effectiveness of government workers in Ukraine and the level of public confidence in them, to establish the impact of their ineffective activities on the level of public confidence in government administration. A key aspect of improving the efficiency of government workers, as shown by theory and international practice, is the creation of an objective and comprehensive system of indicators that reflect the quality of performance of duties and the degree of achievement of goals to focus on the main priorities of public authorities. In many developed countries, "key performance indicators" (KPI), proposed by P. Drucker, are widely used for these purposes. However, there are other assessment methods such as BSC and PBSC. The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to analyze an array of information on the issue of "efficiency of government workers", methods of its evaluation and to connect "efficiency" with the phenomenon of building confidence in politics or "political trust". The work is created to try to demonstrate the practical aspect of the need to measure the effectiveness of officials at all levels based on the position of "social dialogue" and "feedback", because the most important consumers of the results of officials - a society that in everyday life becomes a user and consumer of government services. And according to the results of interaction - form their opinion about the state apparatus of officials and the effectiveness of their work form their position, which later becomes a stereotype. Which will either help social progress and development, and create conditions for stability in the state, or, conversely, will be a catalyst for political instability.


  • The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to analyze an array of information on the issue of "efficiency of government workers", methods of its evaluation and to connect "efficiency" with the phenomenon of building confidence in politics or "political trust

  • В більшості випадків, основна мета роботи будь-якої людини - це заробітна плата, саме тому впровадження систем оплати, виключно, за результатами, і в залежності від відгуків громадян, для державних службовців може стати основним фактором підвищення ефективності діяльності державної служби в цілому, а також сприяти підвищенню рівня відповідальності за збиткові державі рішення

  • Є. Аналіз теоретико-методологічних та нормативно-правових основ проведення комплексної оцінки результативності професійної службової діяльності державних службовців [Електронний ресурс] // Питання управління

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The scientific novelty of the article is an attempt to analyze an array of information on the issue of "efficiency of government workers", methods of its evaluation and to connect "efficiency" with the phenomenon of building confidence in politics or "political trust. Мета статті полягає у комплексному дослідженні впливу ефективності діяльності державних службовців на процес сталого розвитку суспільства і держави.

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