
Russia, like most countries of the world, is going through a difficult painful period of its development, accompanied by attempts by the state to normalize most areas of life of citizens, business and management. Taking into account official calculations of the number of regulations simultaneously in force in the country and reports of the lower house of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on monographic laws and amendments adopted by it annually, it follows that about 100 million legal rules are addressed to Russians. With so many prescriptions, the most qualified caste of lawyers and the administrative apparatus of any state will not cope properly. A huge regulatory array generates the need for a burdensome number of officials for the budget, intersectoral collisions and selective application of legal norms, corruption, distraction of the population from material and spiritual production, social nervousness. The negative consequences of excessive in terms of the volume of accepted and the speed of updating of existing regulations of the legal system of society have been noticed and evaluated in science. The main drawback of lawmaking has been called «legislative inflation», understood as a steady increase in regulatory arrays and their permanent novelization. Hence, domestic lawyers concentrated mainly on technological claims to the parliament and attempts to provide it with appropriate methodological assistance. The article also attempts to develop the problem. Relying on economic and medical knowledge, doctrinal views of Russian and foreign scientists, it is shown that excessive legal regulation has reached the threshold of a pandemic and evidence of this is given: it covers not only parliamentary, but also law enforcement activities; the private-property virus of this negative state is identified and characterized; the legal pandemic is linked to privatization, property inequality, atomization of the population and his moral anemia; methods of gradual, balanced displacement of legal rules by moral imperatives, religious teachings, the experience of the older generation, rituals and traditions, examples of asceticism and heroism from the history of ethnic groups, sayings and proverbs are proposed. As a result, it is stated that in critical periods of evolution, even the «consumer» society becomes aware of the truth – intangible assets are no less important than property well-being and a well-ordered life for the arrangement of a peaceful productive life of the people.

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