
This paper proposes a method of container position measurement using automatic landing system that is estimated by a laser range finder. In the most of container position measurement methods, CCD cameras or laser scanners have been used to get the source data. However those sensors are not only weak for disturbances, for examples, the light, fog, and rain, but also the system cost is high. When the spreader arrives at the goal position, it is still swung by inertia or by wind effect. In this paper, the spreader swung data have been used to find the container position. The laser range finder is equipped in the front side of spreader. It can measure distance and relative position between spreader and container. This laser range finder can be rotated as desired by a motor. And a tilt sensor is equipped on the spreader to measure spreader sway. The relative position information between the spreader and a container using the laser range finder and tilt sensor is estimated through the geometrical analysis.

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