
LANGUAGE NOTE | Document text in Chinese; abstract also in English.
 每當我們提及生命倫理學時,不可避免要提及的話題:生命倫理的終極指徵是什麼?是從道德的層面教導人類向善?還是要從技術的維度延長人類的壽命?是要規範人類的行為準則?亦或是要恪守人類的道德底線?誠然,從不同的學科分野下,對於生命倫理學的探究一直未曾停止,但是Joseph Tham “Bioethics: Cross-Cultural Explorations”一文:卻從更為原初的層面向我們闡釋了生命或者説是理念的價值所在。(撮要取自內文首段)
 Emerging developments in science and technology have changed the “relationships” between people in the traditional sense, and life has been carved more and more rounded, but at the same time, it has smoothed out the “edges” of life. Science and technology have begun to erode bioethics under the guise of reason, as the standards for “good” or “evil” are no longer defined by human morality, but by data. We seem to have forgotten our most original pursuit and neglected to ponder the original meaning of life. Through his work, “Bioethics: Cross-Cultural Explorations,” Tham hopes to make people stop, re-examine, and look at the values and attributes of bioethics from multiple dimensions, such as religion, history, and culture, and reawaken human beings' interest in beauty and moral cognition.

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