
Information technologies play a main role in realizing the needs of the modern person in self-improvement. Modern scholars believe that informatization is a significant resource for improving the quality of education. Hence the problem of information technologies and their implementation in the educational process of all parts of the Ukrainian education system is relevant. Solving the problem of integrated information and technological re-equipment of higher education is connected with the creation of a single information and technological space of higher education. The professional development of a future teacher-musician involves not only the acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities, but also personal self-improvement. The formation of a new type of teacher is possible only if the higher education approaches to real professional and pedagogical activities. The fundamental changes in all aspects of society make high demands to the individual of the manager of the choral collective. Upgrade of higher musical-pedagogical education involves the education of specialists who could freely operate knowledge, possess the ability to skillfully conduct the music lessons. In this context acquires relevance the problem of preparing students for productive activities, especially in the field of conducting choral training. The core subjects of conducting cycle include the choral conducting, staging the voice, choir class. The conductor's profession has several features that are the basis of the psychological and musical impact of the conductor for the collective. The levels of the formation of professional orientation and self-conductor thinking, emotions and will affect on the creative formation and development of personality of the conductor. An important place in the development of professional pedagogical orientation and professional self-esteem takes conductor’s practice, conductor student contests, rehearsal work. These forms of the activity make it possible to check of professional abilities, conductor skills, professionally important qualities and to adequately assess the level of professional self-esteem. Given many-components activity of the choirmaster, the prominence it has independence training. To enhance the professional skills of special importance is the participation of students in competitive tests. Contests of conductors promote to the opening of new names of young conductors choirmaster. The purpose and the main task of the contest in Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Teacher Training University are education of the student's conducting culture, promote of the choral works of Ukrainian composers, identifying talented young choral conductors, the exchange of experiences for professional training. In 2022 the competition is devoted to the 20th anniversary of memory to Ivan Karabyts.

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