
The copyright protection and the authentication is a very hot topic and for its solution are called up data hiding methods and watermarking techniques. Αpart from the philosophical confrontation of the subject, there are proposed a data hiding method and two watermarking techniques that aim to copyright protect and the authenticate digital objects. The data hiding technique combines concepts from cryptography and it can be applied to large images by inserting a hard instance, i.e. a 3-colorable graph. The graph itself with its coloring compose the key. In order not to reveal all its coloring in a possible conflict, the Zero Knowledge Interactive Proof Protocol (ZKIP) is applied. The insertion process has been done using wavelets transformation, offering good quality of the produced images and robustness against possible attacks. The two watermarking techniques are applied in spatial domain and in frequency domain, respectively. The technique that was applied in spatial domain is exploiting any similarity between the watermark and the initial images so that to select at best the insertion positions. On the contrary, in the watermarking technique that is applied in the frequency domain, wavelets transformation has been used and the watermark was inserted in the differential coefficients of the image, in order to be imperceptible. To all the above techniques, it has been observed sufficient results after the insertion of the redundant information, so that it turned to be visible imperceptibly. Moreover, the robustness of the redundant information was each time after possible attacks examined, and it was confirmed that a rather big percentage of the redundant information is survived, making more reliable the proposed techniques.

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