
It is considered the definition of the basic prerequisites and factors that contributed to the formation of the pedagogical views of the great Indian teacher of the XXth century, J.P. Naik. The study period covers the time from the birth of a great teacher to the beginning of his professional work activity. The main reasons and prerequisites for the formation of the humanistic orientation of the pedagogical activity of J.P. Naik were connected and determined, first of all, by the state and influence of the external environment, i.e. the socio-economic and geopolitical position of India, which had a direct impact on the processes, events, ideology, mentality of the population, determined the nature and content of the behavior of the Indians. Since childhood, observing the harsh living conditions of the Indian people, as well as analyzing the country's political and socio-economic situation, J.P. Naik concluded that the country's independence can be achieved not by armed means, but by peaceful means. Influenced by the ideas of M.K. Gandhi on the importance of education for the development of the country, he realized that education is a leadingfactor in social progress, a means of increasing the material and moral level of the population, realizing personal needs and interests, and this can be achieved by increasing the educational level of the poor, reviving the national school, raising young people in the best traditions of Indian culture

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