
The study of human problems in the modern socio-cultural space presupposes a comprehensive consideration of many aspects of hisexistence in the context of spiritual and religious values. Now, this problem is actualized also because the process of formation of an internally moral and undoubtedly multifaceted worldview-wise person takes place at the same time as the contradictory process of formation of modern Ukrainian society based on the principles, principles and values of the civilized world. The juxtaposition of two components, spiritual and religious, in the context of the study of values involves a processual analysis not only of mastering, assimilating and appropriating the surrounding reality, but also, most importantly, that mastering itself is a form of manifestation of a person as a spiritual being, his self-determination, self-identification. The formation of a special system of values is an important component of the human essence, which is not based on the idea of opposing the flesh, but on the activity of a person's moral will. If a person acts, then he reveals his subjective will in the existing being. Manifestation of human will be its average desires, which are expressed in the essential, substantial characteristic of the act itself. Therefore, the article focuses on the analysis of those values that are directly contained in the events that have taken place, are taking place, or will take place in the modern socio-cultural space of Ukraine. The formation of the modern Ukrainian national worldview is not possible without the presence of a moral component, since morality is an integral element of the existence of the Ukrainian people. Therefore, there is a full right to state this problem as a problem of the spiritual world of man, because the concept of "moral" is closely related to such aspects of human existence as: ontological, metaphysical, epistemological, psychological and finally religious. Of course, when forming a national worldview, one should also take into account one's historical past, in order to avoid troubles in the development of modern Ukrainian society. Due to the belated awakening of the "democratic revolution", the modern Ukrainian state has somewhat lost interest in religion and its effects on citizens and especially the youth. Therefore, the human problem in the socio-cultural space of modern Ukraine must be solved on the basis of new civilizational, moral and ethical principles and principles, including the principle of tolerance in relations with other people and nations. Because tolerance is not ordinary "patience", but primarily understanding, respect for others through self-respect and, of course, compassion and mercy.

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