
This article utilises a systematic approach for a comprehensive examination of the Baltic Sea region as a geopolitical space and an analysis of geopolitical events (event-analysis) aimed to assess the capabilities of the US and NATO to impose a naval blockade on Russia in the Baltic Sea. This study is made relevant by the growing confrontation between the collective West and Russia, and the provocative anti-Russian rhetoric adopted by official representa­tives of NATO states. Finland’s accession to NATO, Sweden’s ‘de facto’ participation in the Alliance and Russia’s geostrategic position in the Baltic region have created a situation where the sea may turn into a literal trap for the latter country. There is a threat of a maritime and trade blockade of Russia amid US and EU sanctions policy against Russian oil and calls by some Western leaders for limiting Russia’s access to the Baltic Sea to protect their countries’ maritime communications from ‘Russian aggression’. The findings of this study and an anal­ysis of the geopolitical and military-strategic situation in the Baltic Sea region suggest that this threat may become a reality. Its significance is also evidenced by steps taken by US and NATO towards escalation in relations with Russia, attempts to damage the country’s econo­my and the anti-Russian hysteria of the Baltic States.

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