
The relevance of the research topic is due to the growing public attention to identifying effective ways to reduce environmental pollution, which requires a transition from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism, where the highest value is the harmonious development of man and nature. The purpose of the article is to identify the most active student communities that carry out environmental education work on the territory of the city. Samara, as well as determining the practical significance of their creation in the formation of students' ecological thinking. Research methods: content analysis method and sociological research method. Based on the views of respondents, the authors formulated indicators for measuring the effectiveness of the formation of ecological thinking through eco-communities and its monitoring in terms of professional training. The significance of the work is due to the conclusions of the study, which allow us to state that the formation of ecological communities makes it possible to fill the lack of knowledge in the field of environmental protection and, undoubtedly, prepare individuals to choose the least environmentally hostile ways to solve their problems and meet their needs. The article is intended for heads of educational organizations, the pedagogical community and students in order to replicate the positive experience and its further implementation in the conditions of professional training.

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