
Introduction In today's world knowledge of a foreign language is an important component of personal and professional life. The expansion of international relations, access to world scientific thought, the need to search for information in foreign sources and on the Internet - these are the factors that stimulate motivated learning activities of students to learn a foreign language. English, which is now the language of international communication, is the most widely spoken in Europe and the world. Every year this language is penetrating deep into all spheres of our lives due to many factors: economic, political, strategic, cultural and domestic. That is why there is a growing need to learn English by adults. In view of this, the development of the theoretical foundations of andragogy, which explores the educational activities of adults, is relevant.Thus, the purpose of this work is to highlight a number of characteristics of adult learning that distinguish them from schoolchildren and students, in order to facilitate their learning, to meet their educational needs.Originality Analysis and generalization of modern psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature shows that there is no comprehensive coverage of the peculiarities of teaching foreign languages to adults, as well as pedagogical conditions for the effectiveness of this process. A common myth in education is that adults tend to be ineffective as students, saying that the younger people are, the more flexible their brains are and therefore the better their cognitive functions are. However, research seems to challenge this myth, pointing out that adults can perfectly achieve a high level of foreign language proficiency. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the psychological characteristics of adults. So, learning English by adults is more than real, they having many benefits for it. With all these benefits, it becomes clear that being an adult is not a disadvantage when learning a language.Conclusion Naturally, there are many differences in the methodology of learning a foreign language by adults and children. In some respects, adults have an advantage, in some children do, but in neither case there is no biological pattern. In addition, language skills do not decrease with age. Age is not an obstacle to learning a foreign language, moreover, according to recent research, linguistic activity contributes to a more active state of mind of an adult. Despite the difficulties that may arise, the process of learning English by adults can be very interesting and at the same time useful. We believe that to meet the needs of modern society in terms of learning a foreign language it is necessary to proportionally combine classical methods and new trends, taking into account the psycholinguistic characteristics of adults. The above does not cover all aspects of this problem. We believe that studying the experience of foreign language teaching to adults both in Ukraine and abroad can be the prospect of further research.

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