
In an article based on a poem by K.L. Khetagurov “Ulmurdty” and its Russian translation by N.А. Zabolotsky, traces the methods of reproducing the structural elements of the text, the semantics of translation units. The author considers the translation of lexemes, which capture the cultural code of the people, the mentality of the native speakers. The article concludes that the interpretation of the original in translation is based on the dominance of the content features of the work, including the focus on reproducing the national specifics of the text. The translated work preserves the folklore basis of the original text. Zabolotsky reproduced all the structural elements of the original text: from the characterization of the deceased at the beginning of the poem to the entry of his soul into paradise, into the world of Barastyr. Ethnocultural information, embodied in the semantics of lexemes with a national flavor, is represented in Russian by units at the level of denotations. The communicative effect in translation is achieved here by various translation transformations: mechanical transfer, explanatory translation, the use of a contextual equivalent, the method of compensation for losses. However, not all ethnocultural elements of Zabolotsky were conveyed by the equivalent means of the Russian language. A comparative analysis of texts (original, translation) also demonstrates that functional substitution is also used in the transmission of real words.

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