
Research objective. The purpose of the work is to specify the features and key components of the conflict, understood as an aesthetic principle and psychological phenomenon, as the basis for the special psychological tension to be born, that distinguishes the performance of outstanding musicians. The methodology determined by the use of phenomenological and psychological methods to identify the specifics of the conflict in the process of musical intonation, the method of systemic and structural analysis in order to identify the multifaceted structure of artistic phenomena forming the basis of tension in musical performance as well as the method of generalization in conclusions. These methodological approaches make it possible to examine the conflict as the basis of the process of musical performance, an aesthetic principle and a psychological phenomenon. The scientific novelty is presented in the expansion of approaches to the study of conflict as an aesthetic principle and psychological phenomenon in the process of musical creative activity; in deepening the psychological approach when studying the process of musical performance; in attracting the specifics of conducting, which is fundamentally important for a concert-performing pianist. Conclusions. Owing to the analysis carried out, we can conclude that conflict as an aesthetic principle and psychological phenomenon is an important component of musical performance, which can reveal the essence of music as an “ever-changing contradiction” (A. Losev), as a conflict of multidirectional vectors (I. Braudo). This phenomenon has a complex and multifaceted structure, which creates a special energetic tension (both in the sounding and non-sounding space) in musical intonation, subjected to the will of the musician-performer. The study of the conflict nature as an important component enables the performer not only to comprehend the peculiarities of the performing character of outstanding musicians, but also to deepen their own understanding of the musical language and the secrets of performing skills.

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