
Development of information technologies, cryptocurrencies and technology of distributed networks has caused the appearance of smart con- tracts as new types of civil contract. They have been widely used in recent years in such areas as initial coins offering (ICO), financial sector, inter- national trade and public services. At the same time the legal status and legal regulation of smart contracts are uncertain. These uncertainties cause many legal risks of smart-contractsutilization. The purpose of this article is to find out the conception of smart contract as a form of civil contract, to research its legal status and legal regula- tion issues and to develop proposals for the improvement of legal regulation of smart contracts and cryptocurrencies in Ukraine. By its legal nature a smart contract is a digital form of a civil contract realized in programming code automatically executed in a distributed network. Like a civil contract, smart contract has such elements as parties, subject and essential terms of the contract. The legal force of a smart contract depends on whether it includes the fundamental features of a civil contact, such as evidence that parties have intention to create legal relations, understandabil- ity of contract conditions and possibility to perform the terms of the contract under duress. The main advantages of a smart contract are its ability to significantly accelerate and reduce costs of the transaction and guarantee the fulfillment of contract terms regardless of the contractual parties' and third parties' will. The main risks of a smart contract are uncertainty of legal status of a smart contract and cryptocurrencies as a means of payment, complexity of expressing the contact terms in a mathematical algorithm, risk of software bugs and hacking attack. To solve the problems of legal regulation of smart contracts in Ukraine it is necessary to change the legislation in order to settle the legal status of cryptocurrencies and recognize a smart contract as a form of a civil contract. It is necessary to identify parties of the smart contract, confirm their agreement on the terms of the smart contract by using digital electronic signature. A smart contract should be supplemented by text application containing the es- sential terms of the contract which will have legal force in trail. It is necessary to implement blockchain technology in the state registers and pro- vide legal ability to make adjustments in the registers automatically for the performance of smartcontracts.

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