
The article examines the essence, significance and features of marketing of tourism services, outlines its role and significance for tour operating enterprises, identifies the main trends in the development of the national tourism market. The authors have developed and substantiated theoretical and methodological approaches to the formation and development of the conception of marketing in the market of tourism services. The analysis and assessment of the activity of tourism organizations in Ukraine are carried out, the factors of efficiency of marketing strategy of tourism enterprises are researched. The marketing model of management of tourism enterprises is proposed. Approaches to the formation of tourism services on the basis of marketing are defined, strategic directions of development of the tour operating organization on the basis of marketing approaches in the domestic and world tourism markets are offered. Recommendations for the use of the conception of targeted marketing and development of product strategies have been elaborated. The conceptual bases of marketing activity in the market of tourism services are suggested, the special role is defined and advantages of its realization taking into account transformation of socioeconomic relations, branch features of the modern tourism market and complex character of a tourism product are shown. The functional directions of marketing development in the market of tourism services and instruments of their practical realization are presented. The proposed approach provides freedom in the choice of commercial tools of an expanded set of marketing activities, which are a strategic resource to increase competitiveness, which stimulates consumer demand, increases commercial efficiency and overall effectivity of tourism services.

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