
The article presents a theoretical analysis of scientific articles devoted to the study of career orientations of students in different countries of the world (Ukraine, Bulgaria, the Netherlands, Qatar, Colombia) over the past three years. The author uses general scientific methods of analysis, synthesis and generalization of published materials of the studied phenomenon, which made it possible to characterize the general trends of career orientations of modern youth in different countries of the world. Prognostic analysis - to identify ways of researching the career orientations of foreign students in the conditions of transformation of the labor market. It is assumed that the transformational changes in the labor market caused by the pandemic influenced the nature of students' career orientations. In particular, fierce competition on the market and the demand for talented personnel among employers should encourage students to acquire knowledge and competencies that would provide them with the opportunity to build a competitive career. It was revealed that there is a gap between the market requirements and the actual career orientations of students, who strive more for stability, security and autonomy than for obtaining the necessary competencies; career orientations are consumerist, which take precedence over educational benefits; they are "blurry" and "unformed"; making career decisions depends on the characteristics of national economies and the prestige of university diplomas; there is no interdependence between students' career orientations and academic performance, rather motivation for achievement affects career and personal growth. Informed career planning is possible thanks to the university's career coaching practices. Formation of career management skills in students can help to practice with various career-related problems, stimulate successful learning and involvement in the educational process. Foreign students at Ukrainian universities are no exception.

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