
The purpose of this work is to conduct statistical research on the volume and dynamics of freight traffic, formalize the process of accumulation of containers at terminal railway stations and transport them to the border station, taking into account the capacity of the transshipment complex. The process of accumulation of containers at terminal stations and their transportation by rail to border stations was formalized, taking into account the capacity of transshipment complexes.The optimization results allow to determine the key elements of the operational plan of terminal railway stations, namely: the time of completion of the required number of containers, taking into account the capacity of the transshipment complex of the border station at terminal stations and the method of transporting them to the border station. as part of associated freight trains with possible further reshaping at sorting stations). The proposed technology will reduce unproductive downtime of containers and fitting platforms by improving the process of planning the organization of transportation of container batches by rail to border stations, taking into account the capacity of transshipment complexes, as well as the probabilistic nature of key components of this process. This approach will reduce the congestion of wagons at border stations, which will reduce the operating costs of transporting and handling containers and the cost of transporting goods for shippers.

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