
The Galician Academic Chamber Choir figures prominently among the Ukrainian choirs of our time. Its repertoire consists of choral works of various styles, genres, and epochs, as well as new compositions by modern authors that only highly qualified professional singers can perform. Much credit for the highest proficiency level of the choir is due its director – Vasyl Ilkovych Yatsyniak, who will turn 70 on May 30, 2022. On the eve of his jubilee, it is worth recalling a significant contribution of the famous choral conductor to the development of Ukrainian musical culture and drawing attention to the prominent figure whose efforts have been grossly unappreciated in musicological literature. The research paper aims to highlight the peculiarities of V. Yatsyniak’s creative individuality through the prism of the choral conductor’s and other musicians’ perception. The research methodology is based on the following methods: exploratory research (for a theoretical basis), biographical (for outlining the stages of the choral conductor’s creative path), and interviewing (for receiving the required verbal information). The academic novelty of the paper lies in the fact that V. Yatsyniak’s creative life is covered through the personal dimension for the first time, revealing different facets of his artistic individuality. The paper is based on materials from interviews with Vasyl Yatsyniak, Lyubov Kyianovska, Mariya Shot, Vasyl Dolishniy, Stepan Datsyuk, Myron Yusypovych, Viktor Stepurko, and Bohdan Bohach. Conclusions. Vasyl Yatsyniak is one of those creative personalities thanks to whom Ukrainian musical culture is moving forward, overcoming interpersonal and interstate barriers, economic and pandemic challenges of the modern period. Recognized and respected in Ukraine and abroad, Honored Artist of Ukraine (1995) and People’s Artist of Ukraine (2010), V. Yatsyniak remains just a man with his strengths and weaknesses, rich inner world and a short temper, and most importantly – with plans for future creative work, which will definitely be implemented.

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