
The article examines the theoretical aspects of the corporate culture formation, its features at the metallurgical enterprises of Ukraine and directions for improvement amid the innovative development. As a result of the study of four types of corporate culture – adhocracy, clan, market and hierarchical according to the CVF model of K. Cameron and R. Quinn, it was determined that the adhocratic culture will most contribute to innovation, as it involves flexibility and is oriented towards the external environment. In turn, the market culture emphasizes control and stability, which is a constraint on innovation. The authors proposed a modified method of diagnosing corporate culture, which is based on the CVF model and provides for a 5-point scale system for evaluating questionnaire questions by respondents. As a result of the diagnosis, it was found that PJSC "INTERPIPE" and PJSC "Central GZK" have a clan corporate culture, which must be strengthened to the desired level. PJSC "Zaporizhstal", PJSC "YUZHKOKS", PJSC "KAMET-STEEL" should change the type of corporate culture from market to clan culture. It is proposed that the strategic vision of the metallurgical enterprise’s development must be changed in the direction of innovative development. The role of women working at metallurgical enterprises in the promotion of desired green practices and values is shown. Women are more committed to "green" values than men. This increases the role of women in promoting green practices and introducing innovations at metallurgical enterprises. The analysis of the strategic direction of the corporate culture showed that the staff wants the strategy to correspond to the innovative (adhocratic) type of culture. Based on the fact that corporate culture affects the innovation of enterprises, and vice versa, we can assume that the strategic vision of metallurgical enterprises development must be changed in the innovative development direction, digitalization, smartization. Taking into account the European integration direction of Ukraine, changes in the principles of conducting business related to the European Green Deal are expedient. The proposed recommendations can be used to improve the mission, strategic vision, corporate culture and its values for metallurgical enterprises.

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