
Investigation of soil air composition is an extremely important task because the content of soil gas phase components, in particular CO2, O2 and NOx, directly reflects soil fertility. The composition of soil air, the so-called breath of the earth, plays an important role in the nutrition of plants and is an indicator of biochemical and biological processes that occur in the soil. The study of soil gas regime is extremely important for agrochemical and microbiological studies and is a set of all related phenomena: the flow of gases into the soil and their movement along the soil profile; changes in the content and composition of gases in the ground air as a result of the absorption or release of individual gases in biological and biochemical processes, the exchange between soil and atmosphere, solid and liquid phases. Carbon dioxide and oxygen are the most dynamic gases among all gases of ground air. The growth of plants depends on the concentration of CO2, and when it reaches its optimal concentration it is possible to accelerate the growth of the crop. Oxygen of ground air is essential for soil fertility and especially necessary for microbiological processes. It actively participates in chemical reactions of mineral and organic substances and is actively absorbed by the roots of plants and microbes in the process of their breathing. This paper reviews the composition of ground air, considers existing methods of soil breathing determination and shows the prospect of sensor method with online monitoring without reagents usage. In order to determine the sensitivity of synthesized samples to-wards CO2, one-dimensional nanostructures of the tin (IV) oxide have been synthesized by vapor transport method and their modification by yttrium for use in sensitive layers of gas sensor has been done. The current-voltage characteristics of pure and modified SnO2 nanostructures at ambient and in the atmosphere of carbon (IV) oxide have been investigated. It is shown that yttrium modified one-dimensional SnO2 nanostructures have a higher sensory response to carbon dioxide in comparison with the pure tin (IV) oxide sample, that is, they are much more promising for use in sensing systems of soil air composition study.

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